Sunday, October 31, 2010

Welcome to Yellow Postcard!

朋友寄來的明信片們 | Postcards from my friends




後來去歐洲當交換生的時候,有去旅行的時候都會買當地的明信片然後寄給朋友和家人。不太會買東西,我都把錢花在買明信片和郵票上了(p.s.:奧地利郵票很貴,要1.40歐!捷克很便宜,大概跟台灣差不多!西班雅和義大利大概要0.80歐,英國之前要0.60英鎊左右?法國我忘記了 XD)。我也喜歡買古老明信片,在Prague的時候有買一些,都是黑白的!很有fu~ : )

可是今年四月去日本大阪那兒交換的時候,都找不到很當地的明信片。後來,逛學校的文具店的時候,想說要找個明信片。沒有什麼當地的明信片!都是可愛可愛那種明信片 T^T 我就絕望了,想一想之後有去玩再買很正統日本明信片吧!後來看到一些材料,有各式各樣的厚紙板、紙、等等...突然想到:「阿~乾脆自己生明信片呀!」



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"I love postcards!"

Writing, sending, receiving or even making them, really makes my day. When I travel, the first thing to cross in my mind is buying postcards+stamps, and of course, finding a mailbox or post office to send them to where it should be : ) Postcards are postcards. They can't be replaced by the e-cards or e-mails. I don't count how many postcards I had sent, but I am pretty sure the number will be above 50.

I officially started sending postcards to friends since I started travelling to England last April. I also love writing letters and journals which is very therapeutic and often makes me feel better.

So, I used to buy postcards from bookstore or old bookshops that sell vintage postcards. I found some beautiful ones when I was in Prague. They're black and whites! But when I was in Osaka, Japan, I hardly found any nice postcards to send to my friends and family. One day, I was in a stationery in the campus to buy some postcards--if I could find nice ones. Unfortunately, I didn't find what I wanted. Seriously, Japanese stationery is high quality and extremely functional, as well as aesthetically beautiful and ergonomic. Then, I was in the paper section and found nice cartons. An idea came across my mind! "Why don't I make my own postcards?" my brain exclaimed. Then I bought some other materials that would make the cards look cute and pretty.

Since then, I have been making my own cards and sending them to my friends. Now, I would like to share the joy of sending real postcards to bring smiles to your friends and loved ones! : )

Mita xoxo

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